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儚龍(めんgろんg)’s Bulletin Board

1 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 12:04]
Hi bro I’m Menglong(儚龙/儚龍/맹용)🇨🇳🇸🇬🇬🇧🇺🇸,Remember me pls XD! I welcome u & I hope it vice versa,cuz I believe it’s bonds between us is the key in this site or more. Let’s enjoy creation with us,my coming rate is low tho. In this site
・Mainly I write Japanese🇯🇵(Send so to me when u want to me to use English etc.)
・My main community & works
(国家開拓/Nation-Pioneering/国家开拓) No.8847
(Support-Group(社团) is now hidden.感谢社团的伙伴们)
⚠️Maybe i sometimes disappear or for good(
⚠️I often complain about sensitive stuffs,if u don’t like u can use mute;NG-user function. (make sure the function explanation)

2 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 12:16]
All done. I’m sorry for my making another bulletin board in vein. As u know,It’s refrained from making boards that we really use constantly till use up in this site. Moreover unnecessary stuff like that will be remained for good as we can see unlike primary BBS …It makes ur uncomfortable I think,also I mistook same previously. But I hope u not to worry cuz sentences for board is now really stipulated makes my making them without mistakes!! 向同圈的小伙伴们

3 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 12:30]
U know,Auto correct always contributes me such mistakes,It’s just a kinda ridiculous and selfish excuse,maybe. Anyway my auto correct has something wrong,encouraging me French words in spite of it’s English keyboard!!Y!!歪(

4 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 12:37]

3 儚龙(めんぐろん)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(水) 12:30]

5 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 15:34]
やば 鉄道音MADと駅名替え歌が融合している例は始めてみた

6 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 16:04]

7 儚龍(めんgろんg)@PSGoLIoz [2023/08/02(Wed) 21:27]
富士山連邦、おまねこくんもハムチュンチュンもメロどんも御前崎にいるし、春日部って、つむぎちゃんの故郷じゃないか() WPTO諸国も対抗♂しなければなりませんね。

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